Monday, January 04, 2010

Find Lifes Abundance Wealth Beyond Reason

Most of you are not short on wanting money, you are just tall on
resisting it, and so, goosing up wanting only amplifies resistance.

Sometimes we teach: “Well, just talk about what you’ll do with the
money. Imagine spending it. Imagine all of things that you’ll do with
it.” But if you’ve already developed quite a bit of resistance about
money, that can be a quite an aggravating, annoying game, and most of
you don’t stick with it very long.

Deliberately try to reduce your resistance around the word “money”, and
one way of doing it is to recognize that everything is flowing to you on
this Energy Stream. We’ve watched Jerry and Esther who are, and have
been for many years, very comfortable with dollars. The dollars that
flow to them are abundant and flow easily, and what Esther is beginning
to notice is that there are many things that are of a wonderful nature
that are happening in their life that don’t have anything to do with

More on Lifes Abundance Wealth Beyond Reason

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