Sunday, August 20, 2006

Everything has a beginning

Everything has a beginning and an ending.
Each day is a new beginning - new life and a fresh start, if we choose it so to be.
.... and the best part is that there is no right or wrong way to go about it.
Once we begin we can only go forwards, into the 'new day'.
Do you notice how you commence your day - or do you just follow routine - no adventure, just wake up! get up! shower, dress, have breakfast (or maybe not!!) and off to work and start the busyness of the day.
What would happen if you changed your routine?
What if you stayed in bed for a few minutes and allowed your mind to roam - meditation style, into a visualisation of how you would like the day to be?
You could imagine everyone smiling at you as you walked on by - and of course you smiling back.
You could imagine everyone as happy - in love with life.
...or you could imagine yourself in a situation more suited to your needs.
You wouldn't need to spend a long time each morning in this repose - just a few minutes to weave the future into the present and how you would like the outcome to be.
We never know what's ahead until we begin to investigate - be adventurous - take new steps.
When we began this physical life we didn't think of danger or 'can't do' we just explored and tried out all the ways we could to investigate.
Were all those "No's" - and "don'ts" said by loving parents, so programmed into our minds that we now are unable to try new and different ways to approach life each day.
Life is an adventure and each day is an unknown if we face it without expectation of outcome.
Will we meet new people? Will we find a new house? will we meet the demands of work?
all expectations we place on ourselves is that which hinders the adventure.
Not knowing the future is part of living in the Now.
Allowing the memories of the past to be just that - pleasant memories of a time now gone. No regrets! and no expectation that the memory will hurt the future. It can only colour the future if we allow it.
To reach forward without expectation brings an underlying feeling of excitement.
The joy of the next step being - The First Step - in life, can be generated by changing routine.
Small, subtle changes are more long lasting than the big giant steps we have to take sometimes.
Try moving your chair in front of your computer and notice how 'uncomfortable' you feel. You've changed something and oh! dear! my goodness me! we HuMans do not like change. We like our chair just so and our tea poured to create the same taste. But, what if we started doing these things differently?
what would we find ourselves doing in a few months time?
would we have shifted our chair back into it's old groove
have we now rearranged the whole scene around us?
Are you able to commit to a few minutes every day in order to bring change.
Commitment to something which doesn't return immediate financial results is difficult for most HuMans.
We are not taught to value that which is outside 'income earning'.
The rewards are unseen - so therefore must be 'not real'.
To understand abundance we need first assess what is abundance for us.
Each person has an individual view and need for what is abundance in their life, right now.
Can you begin right now - to explore! to be adventurous?
Will your exploration be hard or easy?
Remember there is no right nor wrong way - it is perfect however, you choose to be.

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